RAFT plugin updated to 1.0.26
*** If you have any issues, Please delete your Config file and reload Plugin ***
- Removed Barrels under raft and lowered raft to the water level. Barrels where going invisible and I could not find a good replacement.
- New Feature !!! Players can now WALK ON THE DECK while the boat is moving by default. You can change this in the config file to act like normal rafts. With this turned on, players can walk anywhere on deck or top while moving, pilots can get up and down from seat. Pilots can still steer raft left or right. But pressing forward or back will stop the raft.
- Config option added to Allow or Not allow walking on decks.
** Note: if you allow walking around. Players may have issues if they TP from the deck. They will need to get away from the raft to TP. I will look into a workaround. Same issue as when TP from hot air balloons.. lol
- Recoded the OnEntityDeath to OnEntityKill to fix some null issues.
- Recoded a few other things here and there.