*** You must delete config file first.. I added some things ***
- Added Skyfall Respawn button (if enabled) on the respawn screen so players will respawn in the air with a parachute. Two config options for respawn location. First, Random location in sky with chute on (default) and second will respawn behind current Skyfall Plane location with chute on.
- If player is not under a cooldown, Skyfall Respawn button will be green, if they are under cooldown it will be brownish and unclickable.

- Fixed cooldown coding not working sometimes.
- Removed the option to Prevent player from dismounting while parachuting. They can dismount and freefall, then hit the "reload" key again to attach another chute. BUT... don't get too close to ground or you cannot add another chute. player will go "SPLAT !!!".
- Fixed the Force Player off plane timer config setting. Hope this will prevent players from "Bogarting" the Skyfall plane seats. lol Added config option to enable or disable this feature as well.
** Once everything seems to be sweetness, ill finish the coding to allow player drops at important events (airdrops, deepwater rig events. etc..) and option for admin to Do a Mass airdrop of players all to random locations in the sky with parachutes.