
ZombieHorde 0.6.26

Added new NPC targeting hook for new AI. This hook has not been merged into Oxide yet, I will upload a .zip in the discussion thread with the updated .dlls if anyone wants to start using it right away, otherwise wait for a official Oxide update
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Reactions: Neighigh
Added ferry terminal to monuments
Safe look rotation
Merged in the harmony patch for npcs and the travelling vendor
Updated for pool changes
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Reactions: NedFlanders
Revert because I am an idiot
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Reactions: Illusive
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior
Zombies wont be targeted by animals or other NPCs if they are dormant
Added per loadout overrides for random loot and AlphaLoot profiles.

"Random loot override (applies to this profile only)": {
          "Minimum amount of items to spawn": 0,
          "Maximum amount of items to spawn": 0,
          "List": []
        "AlphaLoot profiles as loot override (applies to this profile only)": []
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Fixed for Rust update
Requires Chaos NPC v3.0.17