
BlackJack 0.1.9

Updated for Casino 0.1.9
Added config option "Table Skin ID"
Casino is its own resource now, find it here ->
Delete both the Casino.cs and PlayingCards.cs files before updating. PlayingCards.cs is not longer needed
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Reactions: TwoShoes
Save table skin ID's so if the table needs to be respawned it does so with the same skin
Added config option to change the size of the ddraw notification bounds
Destroy table entity and respawn a fresh one when removing a card game

Fixed overlapping balances
Reduced wait time before dealer plays turn
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Reactions: BooleanBorealis
Casino v0.1.6
Fixed chair rotations when table is on a slope
Don't create a new table if the target card game is registered and log a error that its missing
Changed card counting logic so you dont bust if for example you are dealt 2 aces, then a 10 (which was resulting in 22)
Added double down support
Added insurance support
Fixed a bug where if there were 3 or more people at a table, and everyone besides 1 had placed bets and then that person leaves the table the game is reset instead of continuing on
Thanks to @BekerMelk and his players for help in tracking down the issue
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Reactions: BekerMelk
Destroy all Rust components that can destroy a table
Save table position and rotation with game data
If a table doesn't exist when the plugin loads then spawn it (this will only work on tables created from this update onwards)
Added config option "Force image update on load" which will force override stored card images when loaded and toggle itself off

Un-parent chairs from tables (should prevent invisible chairs bug)
Destroy a couple of components that could possibly be destroying chairs
Respawn chairs if they somehow get destroyed
Added config option to show players balance (only visible to player)
Added config option to show winnings at end of game
Added chat command to set bet types per table (/casino setbet <type> <shortname>)
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Reactions: svenni
Try fix error when player leaves table (unsure how that could even happen, unable to reproduce?)
Added support to change betting item in config
Added support to use ServerRewards and Economics instead of items
Added table information popup when players walk close to the table
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Reactions: YGBHawk and svenni