
Casino 0.1.18

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This plugin does nothing on its own!
You will need at least one of the plugins listed in the optional dependencies above to make use of this

This plugin is the backend used to manage other casino plugins available on this website.

Manages other casino games
Manages game tables and chairs
Manages all the UI imagery for the other casino plugins
Select a currency to use for betting (items, RP, economics)
Draw's table information such as what game is it, the min/max bet, etc when players are near
Card players are in a safe zone whilst seated at the table
Create monument based casino games that persist through wipes

Creating A Casino Game
Creating a game is simple, deploy a table where you want the game to be (do not place chairs)

Type the create command; /casino create <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet>

Replace <type> with the desired game type
Replace <maximum players> with the amount of players you want allow for this game (Limit of 4 per game)
Replace <minimum bet> and <maximum bet> with the bet range for that table.

ex. "/casino create blackjack 4 50 500" - Create a table for 4 players with a betting range of 50-500

Creating A Monument Based Casino Game
Monument based games are casino games that are registered to a monument. These games will be created at the same place relative to the monument it is registered to. If you have multiple of the monument it will appear at each of them (ie; multiple gas stations will have the same casino games in all of them)

To create a monument based game type the command ; /casino createmon <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet>

When using this command it will registered the game to the closest monument on the map and will persist through map wipes.

To use this feature you will need to install the Monument Finder plugin from uMod.

Joining A Game
Simply sit down on any of the game chairs and you will be entered in the game. If you join after betting has finished you will be able to view the current match, but will not be able to play until the next match.
To leave a game the player just need to click the "Leave Table" button at the top right of the game screen

Commands (Require the player is admin)
/casino create <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet> - Creates the specified type of card game, with the details provided
/casino createmon <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet> - Creates the specified type of card game, registered to the closest monument

/casino setbet <type> <shortname> - Sets the bet type for the card game you are looking at
Types: Item / ServerRewards / Economics. Note that only the type Item will require a item shortname

/casino remove - Removes the card game you are looking at
/casino removemon - Removes the card game you are looking at from all monuments of the type its registered to

Config Options
"Betting Item Type" - This is the currency of all casino games. Available options are; Item to use ingame items, ServerRewards to use your RP balance and Economics to use your economics balance
"Betting Item" - The item to be used as currency when Item is selected as the currency type
"Wipe data on map wipe" - If true, the plugin will remove all table data when the map wipes
"DDraw bounds multiplier" - This increase the view distance of the floating text describing the game
"Force image update on load" - If enabled, all Casino imagery will be redownloaded when the plugin loads
"Chair skin ID" - Allows you to set a custom skin for game chairs

  "Betting Item (shortname)": "scrap",
  "Betting Item Type (Item/ServerRewards/Economics)": "Item",
  "Wipe data on map wipe": true,
  "DDraw bounds multiplier (size of table bounds multiplied by this number)": 1.5,
  "Force image update on load": false,
  "Chair skin ID": 1385535192,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 9


First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest Release v0.1.18

Oct 4, 2024 at 11:53 PM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from k1lly0u

  • Minimap
    A in-game mini map
  • Arena
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  • TeleportGUI
    Teleport, home and warp with a easy to use UI
  • TrainHeist
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  • DynamicCupShare
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Casino by k1lly0u
© May 16, 2022