
BlackJack 0.1.9

This plugin requires Casino!

^ Old video, plugin also supports Insurance and Double Down bets

Create Blackjack tables for players to bet and try to win scrap

Creating a game:
Creating a game is simple, place a table down (do not place chairs) and type the create command.
/casino create <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet>
Replace <type> with "BlackJack" for this game
Replace <maximum players> with the amount of players you want allow for this game (Limit of 4 per game)
Replace <minimum bet> and <maximum bet> with the bet range for that table.
ex. "/casino create blackjack 4 50 500" - Create a table for 4 players with a betting range of 50-500

Once you type that command the table will spawn enough chairs for the amount of players and the game will be active.

Joining a game:
Simply sit down on any of the game chairs and the game UI will popup. If you join after betting has finished you will be able to view the current match, but will not be able to play until the next match.
To leave a game the player just need to click the "Leave Table" button at the top right of the game screen

Commands (Provided by Casino plugin)
/casino create <type> <maximum players> <minimum bet> <maximum bet> - Creates the specified type of card game, with the details provided

/casino setbet <type> <shortname> - Sets the bet type for the card game you are looking at
Types: Item / ServerRewards / Economics. Note that only the type Item will require a item shortname

/casino remove - Removes the card game you are looking at

  "Card Color (blue, gray, green, purple, red, yellow)": "blue",
  "Show Winnings": true,
  "Show Balance": true,
  "Table Skin ID": 2808399350,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 9


First release
Last update
4.79 star(s) 19 ratings

Latest Release v0.1.9

May 16, 2022 at 7:39 AM
3.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from k1lly0u

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BlackJack by k1lly0u
© Jul 5, 2019

Latest reviews

its pretty good and easy to use, but restarting your server causes old tables respawn and most times they will be back on top of the one you want to keep cuz you were trying to get the position right
love your work k1lly0u
Love this Plugin, would pay again for poker and an option to customize the graphic side!
Wow no configuration just set a table, use a command and ready to go. Amazing work. This is so much fun! Buy this!
I love it... Would give any rust body part for texas holdem :P
Very good addon nice and easy to setup but it would be nice to be able to self host the cards i know you can download all the images witch i have done so i can do custom card games as the download URL for the images is hardcoded Keep up the good work
Great plugin, i wonder will there be any other casino games available ?
Amazing Plugin - So Far I am very happy with that.
Could be nice to see more games - like lite poker :) also cold be nice to see in config- settings for images , to customize graphic side of plugin. 10/10
But in General it's amazing.
amazing! only thing i miss is a autospawning table :)
big fun