- Optional Dependencies
5.4.2023 - Update for Rust Compiler Issues from May Rust update
Add Treasure Maps to your server
Maps will work with:
- Economics Plugins
- Server Rewards Plugin
- Kits plugin
- GUI Shop plugin
as well as chance to drop with standard loot !!
(Better full video with detailed explanation coming soon)
that will allow players to Use the map to mark a treasure location on there ingame map. Player can then go to the site and uncover a Treasure Chest with loot, and chances to spawn better maps and gold as well.
Four Levels of Treasure Maps (Basic, Uncommon, Rare and Elite)
Basic Treasure Maps will spawn Basic Crate prefab listed in config.
Uncommon Treasure Maps will spawn Uncommon Crate prefab listed in config.
Rare Treasure Maps will spawn Rare Crate prefab listed in config.
Elite Treasure Maps will spawn Elite Crate prefab listed in config.
Here are some Pictures of the Maps and Gold if you need them:
Basic Map - Skin ID = 13899500435.4.2023 - Update for Rust Compiler Issues from May Rust update
Add Treasure Maps to your server
Maps will work with:
- Economics Plugins
- Server Rewards Plugin
- Kits plugin
- GUI Shop plugin
as well as chance to drop with standard loot !!
(Better full video with detailed explanation coming soon)
Four Levels of Treasure Maps (Basic, Uncommon, Rare and Elite)
Basic Treasure Maps will spawn Basic Crate prefab listed in config.
Uncommon Treasure Maps will spawn Uncommon Crate prefab listed in config.
Rare Treasure Maps will spawn Rare Crate prefab listed in config.
Elite Treasure Maps will spawn Elite Crate prefab listed in config.
Here are some Pictures of the Maps and Gold if you need them:
Uncommon Map - Skin ID = 1390209788
Rare Map - Skin ID = 1390210901
Elite Map - Skin ID = 1390211736
Gold Coins - Skin ID = 1376561963
SERVER ADMIN NOTE !!! By default, the plugin does not randomly spawn maps or gold in standard loot spawns. But that can be changed via config option. As well as the chance to get a Map or Gold. But it does not effect spawned loot crates already in game. Only new ones that spawn after enabled. Best Bet to fill all them is to restart server with the option set to true The Treasure Maps and Gold Coins are based on the in game NOTE item.. The first time players finds a Note that is special.. it will have to download the skin to show player its a Map or a Coin.. FYI.
How to players use them ?
When a player Loots, finds or buys a map, they can move it to there quick bar, and Right Click it as if they where doing a quick loot.. Which will remove the map, reply to player what Grid location the loot is in, then mark players in game map with a "Lootable Crate" icon ONLY THEY CAN SEE !!.
New update 4.09.2022 - added Color Circles to the Normal Loot markers for the Buried Treasure locations. Colors match map rarity so you can choose which ones to visit first based off Rarity.
Players can then make there way to that location. Once player gets within 10 ft or so, it will announce to player the loot is nearby and remove the in game map icon. Treasure Chest should be very close to player on ground level.
Now player can open loot and take the booty !!! Chests have a default chance to include another Random Treasure Map and Gold coins as well.
Players can exchange Gold Coins for Reward Points (if sever rewards used) or for Economic Currency (is its used).
Permissions : (No perms needed to use maps at all)
buriedtreasure.admin - allows admin to manually give themselves any level treasure map and gold for testing or giveways. see below for commands available for these players.
Player Chat Commands :
/markmap - while player is holding a Treasure map, it will let them mark the location on there map with "explosion" icon to show approx. location of Treasure. Map will be used up. Players can also Right click quick move a map that is in there quick bar to do the same.
/sellgold - while player is holding gold coins, it will let them sell them for Reward points or Economic currency if enabled. Players can also Right click quick move a map that is in there quick bar to do the same.
/treasurehelp - will show player a list of commands for this plugin.
F1 Console Commands : (only for authorized buriedtreasure.admin players)
buymap - gives player a basic map to inventory
buyuncommonmap - gives player a uncommon map to inventory
buyraremap - gives player rare map to inventory
buyelitemap - gives player elite map to inventory
buyrandommap - gives player a random map to inventory
givegold - gives player gold to inventory
Default Configuration:
"globalSettings": {
"Gold - Enable gold to be sold for Server Reward Points ? ": true,
"Gold - Enable gold to be sold for Economics Bucks ? ": true,
"Gold - Player will get this many Server Reward Points when selling 1 gold : ": 100,
"Gold - Player will get this many Economics Bucks when selling 1 gold : ": 100,
"Gold - Skin ID for Gold Coin Inventory Item : (default is 1376561963, custom gold coins) ": 1376561963,
"Gold - Item ID for Gold Coin Inventory Item : (default note) ": 1414245162,
"Gold - Name Shown for Item (default is Gold) : ": "Gold",
"Gold - Text Shown for Item : ": "Place in Quick Slot, then right click on it with mouse cursor to sell gold (if available)",
"AutoLoot - Automatically turn in gold coins for rewards when looting ? ": false,
"AutoLoot - Automatically mark treasure maps when they are looted ? ": false,
"Treasure - Spawn - Only spawn Treasure up to this far from players current postion : ": 100.0,
"Treasure - Spawn - Use whole map (instead of distance from player) to get random spawn point ? ": false,
"Treasure - Spawn - When whole map size is used, reduce spawn area by this much offset (closer to land) : ": 500.0,
"Treasure - Despawn - Approx Seconds the Treasure Marker and Location will despawn if not found : ": 3600.0,
"Treasure - Despawn - Approx Seconds the Spawned Chest will despawn if not looted : ": 3600.0,
"Treasure - Location - When player gets within this distance, treasure will spawn nearby : ": 8.0,
"Treasure - Location - Allow treasure to spawn underwater ? ": false,
"Map Marker - Prefab - Treasure Chest Map marker prefab (default Hack Crate Marker) : ": "assets/prefabs/tools/map/cratemarker.prefab",
"Map Marker - Enable Color Circle Markers on Map as well as default ? ": true,
"Map Marker - Allow Teams Members to see each others Buried Treasure Map Markers ? ": true,
"Treasure - Prefab - Basic Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab",
"Treasure - Prefab - UnCommon Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
"Treasure - Prefab - Rare Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
"Treasure - Prefab - Elite Treasure Chest prefab : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
"Text - Basic Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Basic Map",
"Text - Uncommon Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Uncommon Map",
"Text - Rare Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Rare Map",
"Text - Elite Map name when inspecting map in inventory": "Elite Map",
"Text - Info on Maps and Gold on how to use : ": "Place in Quick Slot, then right click on it with mouse cursor to Mark Map or sell gold (if available)",
"Effect - Enable Effects when Buried Treasure if found ? ": true,
"Effect - When Basic Treasure Chest is found, play with Effect : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/missing.prefab",
"Effect - When UnCommon Treasure Chest is found, play with Effect : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/missing.prefab",
"Effect - When Rare Treasure Chest is found, play with Effect : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/missing.prefab",
"Effect - When Elite Treasure Chest is found, play with Effect : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/missing.prefab"
"chanceSettings": {
"Standard Loot - Enable chance for random Treasure Map in standard loot crates ? ": true,
"Standard Loot - Chance - To spawn random Treasure Map in standard Loot (if Enabled) : ": 10,
"Standard Loot - Enable chance for Gold to spawn in standard loot crates ? ": true,
"Standard Loot - Chance - To spawn Gold in standard Loot (if Enabled) : ": 5,
"Treasure - Chance - To spawn Treasure Map in Buried Treasure crates : ": 25,
"Treasure - Chance - To spawn Gold in Buried Treasure crates : ": 15,
"Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a Basic Map: ": 50,
"Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a UnCommon Map: ": 30,
"Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a Rare Map: ": 15,
"Treasure - Chance - When a random map is added to chest or spawned, chance it will be a Elite Map: ": 5
"lootTableSettings": {
"Loot Table - Delete Standard Loot and only add items from Loot Tables ? ": false,
"Loot Table - Basic Treasure Chest (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) ": [
"itemName": "scrap",
"itemText": "A piece of scrap",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 1,
"itemMaxAmount": 3,
"itemSkin": 0
"itemName": "seed.hemp",
"itemText": "Some Hemp Seeds",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 2,
"itemMaxAmount": 6,
"itemSkin": 0
"Loot Table - UnCommon Treasure Chest (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) ": [
"itemName": "scrap",
"itemText": "A piece of scrap",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 3,
"itemMaxAmount": 5,
"itemSkin": 0
"itemName": "seed.hemp",
"itemText": "Some Hemp Seeds",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 6,
"itemMaxAmount": 15,
"itemSkin": 0
"Loot Table - Rare Treasure Chest (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) ": [
"itemName": "scrap",
"itemText": "A piece of scrap",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 5,
"itemMaxAmount": 10,
"itemSkin": 0
"itemName": "seed.hemp",
"itemText": "Some Hemp Seeds",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 15,
"itemMaxAmount": 25,
"itemSkin": 0
"Loot Table - Elite Treasure Chest (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) ": [
"itemName": "scrap",
"itemText": "A piece of scrap",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 10,
"itemMaxAmount": 30,
"itemSkin": 0
"itemName": "seed.hemp",
"itemText": "Some Hemp Seeds",
"itemChance": 50,
"itemMinAmount": 25,
"itemMaxAmount": 35,
"itemSkin": 0
Default Localization :
"helptext1": "Treasure Map Commands : ",
"helptext2": "/markmap - marks location on ingame map.",
"helptext3": "or Right click mouse while holding map will mark location.",
"helptext4": "/sellgold - sell for RP or Economics Bucks.",
"helptext5": "Note : Map or gold must be in active held item slot.",
"notholdingmap": "You are not holding a Treasure Map !!",
"marked": "Treasure is now marked on ingame map at approx grid : ",
"treasureclose": "The Treasure is very close !!",
"notallowed": "You are not authorized to use that command !!"
Custom Loot Options:
If custom loot only is set to true, it will only place those items in those particular crates.
if custom loot only is set to false, it will just add those items to the standard loot those crates might get.