- Optional Dependencies
- BetterChat - https://umod.org/plugins/better-chat
This plugin allows you to change your chat name, chat formatting (size, tags, colour) and steam icon to blend in as a normal player. As request by @Lone
Please note:
- covertadmin.use - players with this permission can use all commands listed below
- /covert - this will set you into covert mode with a randomly assigned name and ID that is defined in the config (this command is also used to disable covert mode)
- ** Make sure the config has the name and a correct steamID or it can cause server error messages.
- /covert "name" - this will set you into covert mode with the specified name and the "?" chat icon
- /covert "name" "steamID" - this will set you into covert mode with the specified name and chat icon that links to the input steamID.
"Settings": {
"Covert Name and SteamID(for profile pic)": {
"RandomPlayerName1": "76561198381967577",
"RandomPlayerName2": "76561198381967577"
"Covert Name Colour": "#54A7FB",
"Disable Admin Abilities": false,
"Disable On Logout": true,
"Message Size": "15",
"Tags": ""
"format": "<size={0}>{1} <color={2}>{3}</color>: {4}</size>",
"No Permission": "You cannot use this command",
"configerror": "Error in config, cannot read SteamID, Please check config for errors.",
"inputerror": "Error processing SteamID, please try again.",
"Covert Disabled": "Covert mode disabled",
"Covert Enabled": "Covert mode enabled! You will now appear under the name of \"{0}\"",
"Already In Covert": "You are already in covert mode",
"Login Warning": "Your covert mode is still activated! type /covert to disable it"
Please note:
- This plugin is not currently working as a full admin spoofing tool, and should only currently be used as a way to communicate in chat under another players name.
- There are sometimes issues with using other steamID's icons for chatting. This is mainly due to steam servers and the way rust / unity handle the icons, and unfortunately there isn't a way to guarantee that this feature will be consistent