Custom Helicopter Tiers

Custom Helicopter Tiers 2.5.1

Fixed only one helicopter tier spawns among multiple
Fixed players being rewarded even without taking down the helicopter
This update will require a re-configure. Backup your configuration.


Possible fix for Economic rewards
Fixed custom spawned helicopters go idle
Fixed null reference error on heli.kill all command
Added option to lock helicopter to the invoker
Added option to include teammates on invoker lock
Helicopters now can accept multiple custom locations
Calling helicopter using chat commands will spawn it for a custom location instead of random
Plugin now will auto-generate spawn locations on all monuments and it'll add them automatically to the locations list

Big thanks to
ceyoung75 for his help in testing the releases.
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Reactions: PhatBlinkie
  • Fixed bug with auto spawning
  • Switched spawn cooldowns from Seconds to Minutes
  • Added compatibility with NPCTP and Shop plugins