Custom Helicopter Tiers

Custom Helicopter Tiers 2.5.1

• Fixed health regenerate issue
• Fixed OnEntityTakeDamage hook conflict with TruePVE plugin
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
• Improved AI targeting behavior
• Fixed the rockets firing issue
• Fixed other minor issues
• Refactored '' console command
• Fixed attacking issue
• Fixed tracking issue
• Added a new debugging config option (Do not enable in normal use)
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Reactions: RuGRustServer
• Improved helicopter target tracking
• Fixed 'PreventDamageToOtherPlayersProperties' config issue
• Target players on helicopter console calls will be considered now as invokers
• Removed 'NoTriggerUntilTarget' config due to the conflict it caused with other options
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Reactions: RuGRustServer
• Bug fixes
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Reactions: Luuxen
Back up both of your old config and lang files, and make sure to remove them before updating.

• Implemented config file auto-update. This won't work for the previous version 1.6.4
• Reworked the permissions
• Reworked both console and chat commands (Use for the complete commands list)
• Reworked the config structure
• Rewrote the documentation
• Added 'Spawn Chance' config
• Added 'PreventDamageToOtherPlayersProperties' config (PVE)
• Added 'NoTriggerUntilTarget' config
• Added 3 helicopter tiers by default
• Fixed custom loot tables not being saved to the config
• Fixed loot amounts being changed upon editing the loot table
• Show integer values for helicopter kill stats instead of float
• Separated Monuments Spawn Points config object
• Removed default Custom Spawn Points with (0,0,0) coordinates
__Update 1.6.4__

Bug Fixes:
• Fixed locked helicopter attacking random players with napalm rockets

New Changes:
• Invoker has now top priority among his teammates
• Teammates of invoker are able now to loot the helicopter crates
• Added 'Helicopter - Attack - Invoker Has Priority In The Team' config option to each helicopter tier
• Added 'Loot - Invoker Team Can Loot' config option to helicopter tiers

Invoker has the top priority, but if he isn't alive or visible or sleeping, then the helicopter will target one of his team members.
• Backup your old configuration.
This update will require a re-configure, backup your old configuration and localization, and remove them afterward.

Bug Fixes
Fixed localization bug

New Changes
Implemented reservation system
Added 'Reserve Message' to localization
Added 'LockToAttacker' config option to each helicopter tier
Amount of items in the destroyed helicopter crates will be randomized
Changed 'Amount' in the custom loot table to 'MaxAmount' and 'MinAmount'
This update will require a re-configure, backup your old configuration and localization, and remove them afterward.

Added broadcast messages
Zero amount rewards won't be printed in chat anymore
Fixed incompatibility with other helicopter plugins when firing rockets
Added new Misc configs for each helicopter tier
  "Misc - Broadcast Manual Spawn": false,
  "Misc - Broadcast Custom Spawn": false,
  "Misc - Broadcast Random Spawn": false,
Added new lang messages
  "Kill Single Reward Message": "<color=#CCEE33>{0}</color> has been rewarded <color=#00FF00>{1} {2}</color>",
  "Kill Double Reward Message": "<color=#CCEE33>{0}</color> has been rewarded <color=#00FF00>{1} {2}</color> and <color=#00FF00>{3} {4}</color>",
  "ServerRewards Plugin Short Name": "RP",
  "Economics Plugin Short Name": "Money",
Removed lang message
Kill Reward Global Message
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Reactions: Ryrzy
heli.kill all console command now will kill all of the tiers at once
Helicopters now will lock on the $ when they're called by <tier> <playerId> console command

If you need help with configuring the plugin or you're facing any problems, join my Discord, and I will be glad to assist you.