Lock-on Rockets

Lock-on Rockets 0.3.21

Fixed stuck rocket when firing
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Reactions: MalS
Added optional parameter to /craft.lockon to specify amount to craft. ex "/craft.lockon 3" to craft 3 at once
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Reactions: b0xy and MalS
Added ability to craft lock-on rockets (smoke rockets) using the required items set in the config
See overview for more information
Fixed helicopters not taking damage
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Reactions: MalS and Vustra.
Rocket damage handling for HeliCommander
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Reactions: MalS
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Added all the various gun traps to the detection list

Config Changes (1 line)
  "DetonationTime": 30.0,
  "DisableRocketBeep": false,
  "DisableSmokeEffects": false,
  "HelicopterLockModifiers": {
    "DamageModifier": 5.0,
    "SpeedModifier": 2.5
  "LockOnTypes": {
    "Animal": true,
    "Car": true,
    "GunTraps": true, // Add this line here
    "Helicopter": true,
    "Loot": true,
    "Plane": true,
    "Player": true,
    "Resource": true,
    "Structure": true,
    "Tank": true
  "RocketDamage": 300.0,
  "RocketSpeed": 40.0,
  "TimeToLockOn": 3.0
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Reactions: MalS
The config has changed! See below for more information

Added car to the detection list

Config Changes (1 line)
  "DetonationTime": 30.0,
  "DisableRocketBeep": false,
  "DisableSmokeEffects": false,
  "HelicopterLockModifiers": {
    "DamageModifier": 5.0,
    "SpeedModifier": 2.5
  "LockOnTypes": {
    "Animal": true,
    "Car": true, // Add this line here
    "Helicopter": true,
    "Loot": true,
    "Plane": true,
    "Player": true,
    "Resource": true,
    "Structure": true,
    "Tank": true
  "RocketDamage": 300.0,
  "RocketSpeed": 40.0,
  "TimeToLockOn": 3.0
The config has changed! See below for information regarding updating your config

Added the APC to the targeting types

Config Changes (1 line)
  "DetonationTime": 30.0,
  "DisableRocketBeep": false,
  "DisableSmokeEffects": false,
  "HelicopterLockModifiers": {
    "DamageModifier": 5.0,
    "SpeedModifier": 2.5
  "LockOnTypes": {
    "Animal": true,
    "Helicopter": true,
    "Loot": true,
    "Plane": true,
    "Player": true,
    "Resource": true,
    "Structure": true, // Add this comma
    "Tank": true // Add this line here
  "RocketDamage": 300.0,
  "RocketSpeed": 40.0,
  "TimeToLockOn": 3.0
Changed the damage method again, seems Rusts damage system doesn't damage all entity types

No issues with locking on to disabled entities. Possibly due to static variables persisting after a plugin has been unloaded but could not confirm. Update the plugin and try it after a server restart
Fixed lock types
Adjusted lock-on raycasting to be a bit more accurate
Fixed ddraw boxes for non-admin players
ddraw boxes now represent the actual locked-on position of the target
Changed damage method