
PlayerSkins 3.0.9

Added config option to exclude approved skins from the skin list
Query Steam a second time after loading workshop data to attempt to find any skins that are in the data file but weren't return by Steam the first time round (attempt to stop missing skins)
Re-added workshop support. You will need to obtain a Steam API key and insert it in your config
Disabled workshop capabilities (hopefully temporarily) whilst I try and work out a solution
Added config option "Force image URLs to use HTTP instead of HTTPS" which may resolve server issues when downloading a image from a https URL

Workshop skin data gets exported to /oxide/data/PlayerSkins/WorkshopData/ to see which skins are available to use after performing a workshop query

Added data file containing all item display names for translation
Fixed issues when some skin data is null
Added list of items to block in the config
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Reactions: MoWeR
Validate skin shortnames after downloading the approved skin list
Added more tags to workshop item lists (fixes python skins not being registered through commands)
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Reactions: MoWeR
Prevent roadsign items from being placed in the list of items with no skins
Added work around for item skin lists not being populated in game until a player has joined the server
Disabled auto-cleanup of data files to prevent pricing reset
Added permission 'playerskins.nocharge' to make skins free for players with the permission
Fixed permissions not being taken into account when trying to purchase a skin
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Reactions: Crushed
Check for user data before opening the skin shop
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Reactions: Jeini