This re-write should mostly fix issues mentioned in the support thread. There are still some, lets say quirks, for instance;
- Animals will not navigate off the nav mesh
- If you try riding in to a section where there is no nav mesh the animal will just turn away from it.
- If you try riding somewhere where you shouldn't be going (in to a rock, in to a base) the animal will turn away from it
- Some times certain animals decide to randomly change direction
- Chickens like to run by themselves
- There may be some bugs I haven't found
Regarding the nav mesh restriction; Yes I could remove that limitation from the plugin by writing my own movement system, however that level of control would come with a cost to server performance which would only be multiplied by the amount of simultaneous riders. I may do it in the future to see what exactly that cost is
For the moment this plugin will continue to not be for sale