Rideable Horses

Rideable Horses 3.1.12

Fixed parenting issues causing the player to be in the floor
attempted to fix players getting on the same mount should work, but i could be wrong :p
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Reactions: MalS and Status
I made a mistake when i was testing something fixed
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Reactions: MalS and 406_Gromit
Bug fixes
Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been hard to balance time lately. Also i need to rewrite a good portion to fix the radtown bugs...
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Reactions: MalS
Should you update: Yes bug fixes
Fixed a couple bugs involving the chair despawning
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Reactions: MalS
Update not required
If you updated to 1.2.5 you can stay on that just make sure if you don't want thirdperson on to set it to false in the config

Changed thirdperson to false
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Reactions: MalS
Should you update: Yes bug fixes

Added thirdperson with middle mouse(admins use f3)
Bug fixes regarding smooth movement and other things that where glitched
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Reactions: NietTeSerieus
Should you update?: Probably honestly any time i fix something you should.

Fixed chair absorbing damage should now redirect.
Fixed car commander bug.
Fixed reloading the plugin from bugging players out.
Fixed chair from networking to other players
Fixed a few other non disclosed bugs.
Should you upgrade: 100% has major bug fixes

Added compatibility with customai
Added more safenets
Fixed chicken boar wolf and bear rotation and position of seat
Fixed not being able to go through high exteriors
Fixed a bug where you could hold shift to go backwards and glitch into a building
Added permission to ride.
Added Config for animals to ride(not supported)
Added Config for for invulnerability
Added Config for cooldown on /stophorse
Changed config for default backing up speed to 5 instead of 1 (way to slow before)
Fixed a couple bugs(hopefully)