
UpLiftEd 1.2.31

Fixed for Rust update
Fixed for Rust update
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Reactions: fixyourdns
This is for the coming Rust update. Do NOT update prior to the game update
Fixed for Rust update
Change return value in OnEntityTakeDamage to prevent warnings
Added config option to select elevator wall grade
"Grade (0 -> 4, (0 = Twigs 4 = Armoured))"
Updated for current version of Friends
Send message to players that are damaging the elevator informing them it cant be destroyed
Added config option to set the default movement speed ("Defaults" -> "defaultMoveSpeed")
Loop through all groups when grabbing a config value and use the one with the highest rank, if no ranks are assigned to groups it will use the first group the user is in
Remove weirdness when determining if a user has access to the elevator or a specific floor, instead just check the share mode and for clans/friends if they are a clanmate or friend
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Reactions: MoWeR
Updated for hook deprecation
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Reactions: Gauthier
Fixed compile error
Switched lift to roofless type as that is the only lift variant with working textures