
UpLiftEd 1.2.31

  • Added damage modifier for the doors (garagedoors)

    is default true
    This option does "softkill" the lift if even one garagedoor is destroyed.
    The "softkill" does remove the cabin, any non-buildingparts, and leaves the blunt metal.

  • Replaced any old (now unsupported) colornames in the defaults with their associated hex values
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Reactions: Mimmo and YGBHawk
  • Modified build-restriction checks to allow under all cases to wrap any building around
  • Critical fix for left over "invisible walls" after cancelling the placment of a new lift
  • Gave the lift creation panel a minimum width to get an always full visible resources list:
  • Adjusted the cabin floorletters displaying to use plain letters on cases with builds greater than floor 20.
  • Adjusted also for those cases the placement CUI. The CUI width does now resize automatically to be able t read and click all floor selection options.
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Reactions: Mimmo
  • Added the functionality to build-up fully above a lift installation.
  • Added (by request) two new global config values:
    (Both checks will be ignored in "liftadmin"-mode)
      "AbuseControl": {
        "PreventPlacementAboveDeployables": true, // prevents placement when there's something place above the ground block (like a TC)
        "PreventPlacementInCaves": true, // prevents placements inside of caves

  • Changed the code to allow free movement inside while the cabin does move
  • Corrected the resourceID for the CCUpdateChecker
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Reactions: Mimmo
  • This patch does forcefully remove "inside of the cabin died" players from the cabin's internal passengerlist, which is used to move players "jitter"-free with the cabin.
  • This will also prevent people from being moved on the outside of the lift on next usage.
  • This should also prevent people from being kicked by flyhack or any other anticheat reasons in result of thier lift-usage.