Added an load-override to the debug-options.
This does force the plugin to iterate through all lifts, no matter in there are errors on any of them. These which had errors are then out-of-function.
This update does backup your current config and create's a new one!
The new config sections are described in the plugin page
This update does change the complete permission handling!
The new access-control-list system is described in the plugin page
This update tries to keep loading any already existing Lifts from version 1.0.x to 1.1.0 as best as possible (multiple times tested on 1.0.8 to 1.1.0) In case of you don't wanna risk any failure, plz wait for any other customers reporting any possible issues breaking the upgrade with existing lifts!
The language-file part was also re-wrirten for the most parts. It's recommended to delete the current default language file in "lang/en/UpLifEd.json"
This update does also handle broken placement actions by the instant removal of already placed building-parts.
The sharing functionalities where extended to Public and VIP-access options
An anti-sleeper abuse-control was implemented
The administrative access was complete re-vamped
I recommend to read the plugin page before upgrading to this version
Beside any multiple tests done on this version, there's always the possibilty to run into something bad i could'nt any error in the thread