Bradley Drops

Bradley Drops 1.1.17

Added: Hackable locked crate number to spawn config option
Added: Hackable crate de-spawn time config option
Added: Hackable crate hack time config option
Fixed: Shared kill rewards/scrap amount being incorrect in some cases
Added: Optional stack item/combine dropped item handling in config
Added: Option to disable vanilla Helicopter server event
Added: Discord webhook support to optionally send call/kill/de-spawn events
Added: Configurable player buy command in config
Added: Time taken to destroy APC in kill announcement
Added: Damage report showing top players by damage dealt

W.I.P for next update: Better Bradley pathfinding, to prevent getting hung up on obstacles and to react to players and hunt them, rather than just carry on its path.
Updated for May 4th Rust update, DO NOT UPDATE BEFORE.
Added: Config option to despawn Bradley if attacked from building blocked after warning threshold reached
Added: Config option for warning threshold for despawning Bradley