
PilotEject 3.1.13

Alternative for enforcing crash position
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update
Updated for pool changes
Revert because I am an idiot
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
When NPCs are landing, snap their position to the nearest point on the navmesh
Changed water level check when landing to only kill the NPC if they are actually underwater
Disabled the Rust feature of the helicopter flying to the nearest monument upon death for helicopters spawned via this plugin
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update!
Fixed pilot kill notifications showing when option is disabled
This update is for the coming Rust update!

The plugin now uses the ChaosNPC extension (formerly CustomNPC plugin)

Fixed for Rust update
Null check HitInfo in OnEntityDeath