
PilotEject 3.1.8

Custom NPC AI
Added config option to adjust sight range
Changed corpse loot population for recent Rust update
Added config option to not be targeted by various turret types
Null check corpse containers before populating
Destroy ejection component if the helicopter is retiring
Destroy ejection component in more places to counteract fuckery
Only auto-eject if the helicopter is over land
strip npc inventory when auto-killing
set start health var
Added config option to auto-kill NPCs after set time
Added config option to attach smoke to parachutes
Fixed potential conflict when using the HumanNPC plugin
Added config options to toggle all the notifications
Added config option to eject NPCs if the helicopter is destroyed mid-air
Added config option to show tail damage effects on spawn
Added config option to change helicopters health
Added config option to adjust NPC health
Better NPC targeting and patrol logic
NPCs will try and parachute towards the crash site
Faster ejection from helicopter, with randomized ejection direction so they don't stack on each other