
ZombieHorde 0.6.26

Adjusted supermarket spawn point
Expanded allowed spawn conditions (also fixes launch spawns) and verified all monument spawn points are valid and working
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Reactions: Tino and VinylFresh
Check for improperly destroyed targets when doing a target update
Added support for weapon attachments (see overview)
Added automatic NPC light toggling (weapon lights, head lamps, etc)
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Reactions: jaysrips
Possible solution for EnemyPlayerInRangeComparer ArgumentException?
Null checks in EvaluateTarget
Added config option "Projectile weapon aimcone override (0 = disabled)"
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Reactions: Flint Monkey
Re-set display name on corpse after it has dropped
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Reactions: SuperWolf363
Changed rock check to a general check if is near or inside any object on the world layer with limited exceptions. This restricts some spawn positions but should prevent any zombies spawning inside rocks, foundations, sealed areas of monuments, etc.

Moved junkyard spawn position to just outside as the new spawn point condition prevents hordes from spawning on the junkyard

When spawning new members into a horde, if unable to find a valid spawn point near the horde and the horde already has members bypass spawn restrictions and spawn randomly on a 1m offset from another member since we can assume they are in a valid position

Fixed incorrect number of hordes being initially spawned
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Reactions: Mr C
Fixed speed modifier not being applied
Added config option to force random hordes to roam locally
Added config option to adjust local roam distance

Assign a loadout ID to all loadouts
Added "Horde Profiles" which allows you to assign a specific list of loadouts to a horde (using loadout IDs)
Added config option to assign a random horde profile to randomly spawned hordes
Added config option to assign a specific horde profile to monument spawned hordes
Added profile argument to "/horde create" commands
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Reactions: john and Bumfuzzler
Added chat command "/horde createloadout" which copies your current inventory into a new zombie loadout
Changed console command "horde addloadout" to use multiple arguments so you can copy multiple kits at the same time
Simplified loot system
Added a workaround to allow zombies to target animals. The NPC type used is hardcoded to ignore them, recommend you leave "target animals" as false in the config since they dont fight back and you will get better performance with it disabled
This update will wipe your config! Make a backup before updating!

Plugin rewrite
Customized AI that is part of Rusts AI systems without it having to fight existing functionality of standard NPCs.
Added NPC loadouts editable in the config (this replaces kits functionality from previous versions, and is populated on first load with the NPC's standard loadouts)
Per loadout names, health, vision range, damage modifiers and movement speed so you can have different zombie loadouts with different stats
Added console command "horde addloadout <kitname>" which can be used to convert a kit to a zombie loadout
New loot system that replicates the games default loot system using probability and weights (still has a config option to drop the NPCs current loadout instead of random loot)
Zombies will forget about you if you are out of their vision for X amount of time and continue roaming
Config option for headshot instant kill
Config option to give all zombies glowing eyes
Added tailored offsets for every monument spawn point so hordes dont spawn in shit places
Test OnNpcTarget for types that derive from BasePlayer
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Reactions: TeamTAGO