Fixed floating of turrets after the entity below them is removed
Fixed item compensation for downgrading
Fixed item compensation for picking up
Workaround for upgrading to a different type of turret (players now have to downgrade the turret first)
Fixes for turret limits per players (Not sure if i got this spot on)
Fixed issues with turret inventories and ammo
Fixed heat seeking rockets (they will now explode upon impact instead of their old weird behaviour)
I fixed a bunch of other smaller bugs that i was notified of privately but have forgotten most of them
Big shoutout to @Artasan and the rest of this community for helping recognise these issues, please feel free to comment any existing bugs and i will add them to the list.
If you want to stay up to date with the latest news and info for this plugin, feel free to join my discord server where i will be posting update notes, getting your opinions for future updates and releasing early test versions for new features - you are in, send me a PM with your chaoscode username and which plugins you own to get access to the private channels)
(hopefully) fixed the objects not showing up as being attached to the turrets
If you want to stay up to date with the latest news and info for this plugin, feel free to join my discord server where i will be posting update notes, getting your opinions for future updates and releasing early test versions for new features - (Once you are in, send me a PM with your chaoscode username and which plugins you own to get access to the private channels)