
RocketTurrets 2.0.31

  • Added permission for unlimited ammo (as requested by @Default )
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Reactions: RDOwnerOP and Mimmo
  • Optimised plugin startup on larger servers
  • Fixed the ground detection, should now work without any issues
  • Fix for javelin turret data (and maybe also another error pointed out by @ghosted)
  • Javelin turrets may now lock onto bradleys (this is still really early stages, and most likely broken)
  • Removed cooldown time after locking on (rocket turrets will now shoot instantly as soon as they have locked on)
  • Fixed issue where javelin turrets couldn't be downgraded
  • General improvements to the javelin turrets and javelin missiles
  • Hopefully fixed javelin missile NRE spam
Don't forget to join my discord server to stay up-to date with the latest news ->
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Reactions: dofof
  • Added permission to negate the limit of rocket turret amounts (rocketturrets.unlimited)
  • Added config option for changing the height before the javelin starts to curve
  • Fixed a bug in regards to the handling of turret amount data that should give more constant results
  • Fixed a lot of issues with the chat commands in regards to the new javelin turrets
  • Fully regioned the plugin to make it easier for me to work on
  • Other general optimisation and bug fixes
Don't forget to join my discord server to stay up-to date with all the latest news from this plugin and get other benefits! Join here ->
  • Added Javelin rocket turrets! (Video will be on the overview shortly)
  • Moved data files to new location (oxide/data/RocketTurrets) This will generate new datafiles, however you should have the old ones still intact so you will just have to unload the plugin, rename the old datafiles and replace the newly generated ones
  • GENERATE A NEW LANGUAGE FILE WITH THIS UPDATE, otherwise your help menu will not update
  • Don't forget to join my discord server to stay up-to date with all of the latest news with my plugins! ->
  • Please note: This update has not been thoroughly tested. If you find any bugs, please report them ASAP
  • Improvements to when a helicopter leaves the antiair turrets radius
  • Fixed compile error
  • Fixed turret aesthetics
  • Added chat message when trying to turn on the antiair turret to avoid confusion
  • Turret aesthetics are no longer laggy behind the turrets rotation
  • (Possibly performance tweaks?)
If you want to stay up to date with the latest news and info for this plugin, feel free to join my discord server where i will be posting update notes, getting your opinions for future updates and releasing early test versions for new features - (Once you are in, send me a PM with your chaoscode username and which plugins you own to get access to the private channels)
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Reactions: ghosted
  • Fixes for RemoteTurrets