
RocketTurrets 2.0.31

  • Fixed some typos in regards to the language file and sending some messages. I highly suggest generating a new configuration file when applying this update
  • Added config option to change the amount of damage done to the heli
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Reactions: Saxxoo
  • Added config option to return upgrade cost when the turret is picked up
  • Added config option to return upgrade cost when the turret is downgraded back to a normal turret
  • Fixed versioning
  • Fixed downgrading turrets to normal
  • CCTV camera models will no longer despawn
  • Fixed the bug which would not allow you to return a AA turret to a normal
  • Fixes to several things i left out in regards to permissions
  • A new permission has been added -> rocketturrets.use players need this permission to see the /turret menu or use any of the features
  • Anti air turrets have been added as a new kind of turret. You can create them by doing /turret antiair (now permission based)
  • default permissions changed, they are now rocketturrets.rocket & rocketturrets.antiair
  • Anti air turrets shoot heat seeking rockets that will seek a helicopter
  • Added configurable damage amount done to the heli
  • Updated the /turret menu, options for upgrades will only show if you have the correct permissions. (this also includes a language file update, so make sure to generate a new language file)
  • (hopefully) Fixed an issue to do with OnItemAddedToContainer
  • Added a "cleaning" timer to clean the itemCache incase items were not being removed
  • Added base code for anti-air turrets (this feature is still not fully implemented and has been commented out for the time being)