
StacksExtended 2.0.13

  • This a DEBUG version for to get more informations about the current NRE at "CanMoveItem"
    You only need to install this version in case of you are affected by the current issue.
    enableExtendedStackMove needs to be true
  • Added option switch "enableExtendedStackMove" to enable/disable the moving of stack-sizes over 65k at once.
    In case of you got NRE's for "CanMoveItem" and you are using FurnaceSplitter, simply set this to false and you are fine.
  • Implemented a FurnaceSplitter filter function.
    Does check for baseovens being enabled&looted by players.
  • Added support for moving whole stacks greater than 65k.
    Fixed also a bug when using limits for specific containers while split-moving stuff into, which lead into a partly loose of stack content.

    Millions in stacks to move ??? No worry :p
  • Removed (for the first) the ability to stack skinned items, which is very problematic to handle atm.
    This removes also the option "blockDifferentSkinStacks"
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated
  • Added "globalDisableExtraFeatures" option to disable all Extras, if needed.
  • Added MedicalTool checks to enable stacking in Belt
  • The plugin is now able to stack nearly EVERYTHING :p
  • Stacking of nearly everything needs some additional functions, which are exemplarily shown there (what i got so far):
  • Additional added features (what else i got so far):
  • This added configpart manages these functions and features:
      "ExtraFeatures": {
        "beltAntiToolWeaponStack": true, // Prevents stacking of for eaxmple hatchets in the belt
        "blockDifferentSkinStacks": true, // prevents stacking of different skinned items, cause splitting again would remove skins
        "blockModdedWeaponStacks": true, // Prevents stacking of weapons with different mods
        "blockUnequalAmmoWeaponStacks": true, // Prevents stacking of weapons with different ammo count and types
        "enableLiquidContainerStacks": true, // Enables stacking for example of for example waterbottles (see Video2)
        "enableProjectileWeaponStacks": false // Global activator for stacking projectile weapons
    I will update the plugin description next days(s) with these.
  • The plugin can now also RESTORE the complete default stacks of items and containers while runtime (Plugin needs to be installed already on server-start to make this work)
    The command "se.clearreload true" does restore in your config the item and containers stacks to their defaults and sets theae also instant in the game.
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Reactions: Viper
  • Fixed NRE on load
  • Added ResourceID