
SpawnControl 2.0.10

Run initial setup and apply custom values prior to the SpawnHandler initializing during server startup. This allows spawn distributions to be initialized with custom spawn filter values
Added the config option "Update spawn distributions on plugin reload (slow)" which is disabled by default (See overview)
Added a 'Update Distributions' button to spawn population UI. It will warn you and have you confirm before recalculating spawn distributions when changing a spawn filter. See overview for more information about Spawn Distributions
This update requires the Chaos extension ->

Complete rewrite
Old config file is now obsolete, all settings are saved in to individual data files
Added UI with the ability to change everything
Exposed every field available for spawn populations and spawn groups
See the overview for more information
Support for multiple SpawnPopulations using the same convar
In regards to the animal spawn issue. I haven't been able to replicate it on my end. 1 user reported the issue was resolved after updating BotSpawn. Being that I can't confirm whether that was the issue or if it was indeed a SpawnControl issue I am posting what I sent to other users to test just in case.
If you are using BotSpawn make sure you download the latest revision
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Reactions: @LurK and MalS
Remove murderer population from Rusts spawn handler
Don't attempt SpawnInitial on one time spawners when fillAtEveryStartup is enabled
Fixed for Rust update
Added moon pool spawners
Added support for DungeonCells (stations, tunnels, etc)
Fixed LoadSpawnGroups NRE