
SpawnControl 2.0.10

  • Finished the missing parts from 1.5.0
  • Extended the command-list, changed also some names again
  • Added Topology "spawnFilters" for spawnpopulations to change their spawnlocation behaviours (last 3 cmds of overview are there for this) @Corrosive was the beta-tester :p
DELETE your config BEFORE updating the plugin
  • This version does extend now also any monument SpawnGroup to be manageable like the SpawnPopulations
  • This update does also change a lot of the population config settings. Thats why you need to delete before
  • Commands have also changed. See be sc.cmds the current list
  • You can preview a full config of a 4k map in that > FILE <
Some explanation to a SpawnGroup entry, prior any manual-refresh:
  "_refDisplayPhrase": "Crate Spawner Low cabin", // name of the spawngroup; Do NOT touch
  "_refMaxPopulation": 2, // max objects in that group; Do NOT touch
  "_refPositionCenter": "(-1047.6,17.9,982.7)", // current center position of all spawnpoints ; can be used with "teleportpos ..." ; Do NOT touch
  "numToSpawnPerTickMax": 2,
  "numToSpawnPerTickMin": 1,
  "respawnDelayMax": 1800.0, // some have here infinity. means, technically no re-spawn timer...idk how they do re-spawn else wise. You can change it
  "respawnDelayMin": 1700.0, // some have here infinity. means, technically no re-spawn timer...idk how they do re-spawn else-wise. You can change it
  "spawnWeights": {
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 50,
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_food.prefab": 50,
    "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_medical.prefab": 50
The plugin will auto-manage to update the spawngroup listing for any size, seed and kind of map.
Not active/existing spawngroups on the current map have NO "_refPositionCenter"
  • Made 2 options obsolete; being default enabled functions from now on:

  • Made the population-name filter on commands more exact.
    This will now differentiate between examples like
    junkpiles, junkpiles_water
    when the word was only junkpiles, when junkpiles is a valid population, and will act then only on junkpiles.
    The word junkpile would still include all similar one's, like described above.
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Reactions: MalS and TheBleak13
  • Major code-cleanup
  • Coroutines optimization
  • Prepared for full SpawnGroups(=Monument)-management expansion
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fixed "SpawnGroupLoad" NRE
    SpawnGroups can now also have the value "Infinity" inside the config. This means, these have no common respawn timer (and plz don't ask me why; i got not any idea)
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Reactions: MalS
  • PatchFix for very-rare NRE
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Reactions: MalS and CrazY
  • MonumentLoot-(=SpawnGroups)-Fix
  • Added a check to remove/exclude any invalid prefab strings from the config.
    This is mostly the case on deeper map-changes by Facepunch.
  • On such cases, it's highly recommendd to run "sc.restoredensitys" once.
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Reactions: Icarus
  • Fixed Animals not loading is correctly on server-startup
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Reactions: MalS