"_refDisplayPhrase": "Crate Spawner Low cabin", // name of the spawngroup; Do NOT touch
"_refMaxPopulation": 2, // max objects in that group; Do NOT touch
"_refPositionCenter": "(-1047.6,17.9,982.7)", // current center position of all spawnpoints ; can be used with "teleportpos ..." ; Do NOT touch
"numToSpawnPerTickMax": 2,
"numToSpawnPerTickMin": 1,
"respawnDelayMax": 1800.0, // some have here infinity. means, technically no re-spawn timer...idk how they do re-spawn else wise. You can change it
"respawnDelayMin": 1700.0, // some have here infinity. means, technically no re-spawn timer...idk how they do re-spawn else-wise. You can change it
"spawnWeights": {
"assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 50,
"assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_food.prefab": 50,
"assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_medical.prefab": 50